Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ciera’s Farewell

Just like that fall intersession is over and spring semester is approaching. I had a great time reading through everyone’s literacy reviews. This course gave us all a bunch of resources that we can utilize in our classrooms. It was very informative and fun. I can’t wait to learn and grow alongside all of you for the rest of the program. We’re so close to the finish line. 11 more months so let’s finish strong! 


Hello Class! 

This semester went by so quickly but for some reason, I was really able to get to know you all just a bit more! It has been a very productive and chaotic semester but we did it! Looking forward to our next set of classes where I'm sure we'll do great!

Dr. Rivera, thank you for your kindness and always being such a great support system for us! Your support has been essential in our success!

To my Classmates:

Goodbye and see you next week!

Edward's Farewell

 Fellow classmates of ED 638 we are closing one chapter of our journey towards obtaining a Master's Degree in Reading and opening up another. Thank you for your hard work and professionalism throughout this semester. The coursework has allowed me to share a bit of who I am with you all and vice versa. It is  both motivating and inspiring to work alongside such a diverse group of individuals are working towards a common goal. I'm glad we have our class blog to look back on as a resource as well as a reminder of the hard work we are capable of.  It is definitely a tool that will help me improve and promote literacy in my classroom. I look forward to continuing this journey we started almost half a year ago. Lets finish strong!

Jean's Farewell

It has been a great four weeks with you all! I enjoyed posting and reading about the plethora of literacy websites, getting to know everyone a little better through the Getting to Know You activity and the personal timeline activity. We are one step closer to our shared goal of obtaining our Master's Degree in Reading! Let's get through the next 11 months and finish strong, everyone! 

See you all next week!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Farewell by Z. Santos

 Another step closer to graduation! We all have successfully completed two courses from our list, and are very proud of our accomplishments. I would like to thank Dr. Rivera for the valuable knowledge I have gained during the Fall intersession course. I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming spring semester!

Joanna's Farewell Post


Another semester in the books! We are another step closer to the goal. I have learned many new tools, websites, and knowledge from this semester. When you reach the point where you are tired and overwhelmed, think about your students in the future who now have a better chance in becoming successful all because their teacher had many strategies and knowledge in literacy/reading that could help them. 

 I wish everyone all the best and see you all once the Spring semester starts. We are halfway there. 

Meagan’s Farewell Post

Congratulations everyone! We did it! Another semester down and another semester to go! It has been great reading everyones post and interacting with you all. This course has been very informative and resourceful! See you all in the next course! 3 more semesters or 11 more months till graduation! Don't quit! Just Keep Moving Forward! 

Ciera’s Farewell

Just like that fall intersession is over and spring semester is approaching. I had a great time reading through everyone’s literacy reviews....