Saturday, January 13, 2024

Edward's Farewell

 Fellow classmates of ED 638 we are closing one chapter of our journey towards obtaining a Master's Degree in Reading and opening up another. Thank you for your hard work and professionalism throughout this semester. The coursework has allowed me to share a bit of who I am with you all and vice versa. It is  both motivating and inspiring to work alongside such a diverse group of individuals are working towards a common goal. I'm glad we have our class blog to look back on as a resource as well as a reminder of the hard work we are capable of.  It is definitely a tool that will help me improve and promote literacy in my classroom. I look forward to continuing this journey we started almost half a year ago. Lets finish strong!

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Ciera’s Farewell

Just like that fall intersession is over and spring semester is approaching. I had a great time reading through everyone’s literacy reviews....