Thursday, December 21, 2023

Effective Literacy Website #3: PBS Between The Lions by Atisa Junio


When researching websites that effectively promote literacy, PBS Between The Lions ( popped up. I used to watch Between the Lions as a child and what I remember the most from the show was the “interactive” segments, where letters and words would be shared, broken down to the phonemes, and then blended back together. This is similar to what is seen in the classroom with the purpose being to teach children to recognize letters, the sounds they make, and how to figure out words by breaking them down and sounding them out.

The site is free to access and make an account. You will need an account to view the state standards available under each video, but the videos can be shared and viewed without an account. There are many videos available on the site (see pictures below). The videos are sorted into different skills teachers can focus on. For example, in the picture below, the K-1 category of videos has 74 videos that focus on fluency. If that is a skill you wish to work on with your students, you can easily navigate and share with your class. Videos are six minutes or less which is good for young kids and for easy replaying. Also, short videos make it easy to slip the clips into lessons and replay them a couple of times. All the videos are clips from the original show, which may make them more appealing to kids as the clips will retain their cartoon appeal.

One limit for this resource is that it is meant for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students. This means the site might be most effective for those grade levels and possible students who are behind in developing their reading, speaking, and listening skills. However, if you want to get creative with anticipatory videos with older students, this is a fun way to show them how skills that are taught all the way from elementary school are built upon to get them to where they are today. For my 8th grade students, where they are today is reading, writing, and even coming up with and adhering to the social rules of slang! The videos are shareable to Google Classroom if that is the LMS/CMS of your choice, but they can also be shared with a link if you use another system.

In conclusion, PBS Between The Lions website is effective literacy, especially if you are a teacher of younger students or want to strengthen the basics of literacy development. The clips can also be used more creatively for older students as part of anticipatory set or examples for creative or informative assignments.

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