Thursday, January 11, 2024

Free Rice by Leif Andres

 The fifth site I chose to review for my ILA Newsletter is Free Rice, This wonderful site drew me in with their promise of providing food for the people and children in need around the world.  

This website is completely free and has a wonderful idea behind it. Their promise to their users is that for every correct answer submitted, the UN World Food Progamme will give 10 grains of rice to those in need. The game is an vocabulary game where students will chose the correct meaning for each given word. This is great as a reading resource because the stronger a student’s vocabulary skills are, the stronger a student’s reading ability will be.

I have used and found the vocabulary words in the game more suitable for fourth and fifth graders, but younger grade levels may use it too due to the functions that the site provides. I appreciated that one of the functions was that if a user gets an answer wrong, a motivational banner and the correct answer will be given so that users may learn from their mistakes and become motivated to do better. Another great function of the game is that users are able to see how many grains of rice were donated the previous day. This will help students realize just how much rice they are helping the UN World Food Programme provide to all those people in need.

Some other great resources this site provides are: a blog page were students are able to see projects and aid that’s being provided around the world to help the world become a more sustainable place, a downloadable toolkit that will explain to students how to join the Free Rice community, a downloadable certificate of participation to help students feel more engaged in the game activity, and a downloadable A-Z Ebook that will describe the meanings of the related vocabulary pertaining to the Free Rice community and program.

Overall, I believe that the Free Rice website will be an engaging reading resource for students of all

ages due to the idea behind it. Students can take ownership of their participation and responsibility to

help the world become a better place. The best part is that teachers may integrate standards related to

good moral character and being a helpful member of their community. 

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