Tuesday, January 9, 2024

ILA Effective Website #6: Read To Me International


Read to Me

For my ILA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #6 Exploration, I will be exploring and reviewing Read To Me International (https://www.readtomeintl.org/). This website promotes read-aloud sessions to children. The creators believe that stakeholders and the community should unite to see the importance of reading to our youth. Several ways that they promote read-aloud are through coaching programs, correctional facilities, community sites, and schools. On Read to Me, there are read aloud tips that are shared with the public to guide the reader with dos and don'ts while reading.

A few reading techniques are also shared. There are events also posted on the website to allow the community to join, as well as ways to get involved with the move of reading to children. Read To Me is a great way to get parents, children, teachers and those in the community to come together to listen to stories. It reminded me of the Story Time Zoom sessions that we join in with Dr. Rivera. It is so neat to hear both children and adults read stories and simply enjoy the company of everyone.


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