Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ciera’s Farewell

Just like that fall intersession is over and spring semester is approaching. I had a great time reading through everyone’s literacy reviews. This course gave us all a bunch of resources that we can utilize in our classrooms. It was very informative and fun. I can’t wait to learn and grow alongside all of you for the rest of the program. We’re so close to the finish line. 11 more months so let’s finish strong! 


Hello Class! 

This semester went by so quickly but for some reason, I was really able to get to know you all just a bit more! It has been a very productive and chaotic semester but we did it! Looking forward to our next set of classes where I'm sure we'll do great!

Dr. Rivera, thank you for your kindness and always being such a great support system for us! Your support has been essential in our success!

To my Classmates:

Goodbye and see you next week!

Edward's Farewell

 Fellow classmates of ED 638 we are closing one chapter of our journey towards obtaining a Master's Degree in Reading and opening up another. Thank you for your hard work and professionalism throughout this semester. The coursework has allowed me to share a bit of who I am with you all and vice versa. It is  both motivating and inspiring to work alongside such a diverse group of individuals are working towards a common goal. I'm glad we have our class blog to look back on as a resource as well as a reminder of the hard work we are capable of.  It is definitely a tool that will help me improve and promote literacy in my classroom. I look forward to continuing this journey we started almost half a year ago. Lets finish strong!

Jean's Farewell

It has been a great four weeks with you all! I enjoyed posting and reading about the plethora of literacy websites, getting to know everyone a little better through the Getting to Know You activity and the personal timeline activity. We are one step closer to our shared goal of obtaining our Master's Degree in Reading! Let's get through the next 11 months and finish strong, everyone! 

See you all next week!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Farewell by Z. Santos

 Another step closer to graduation! We all have successfully completed two courses from our list, and are very proud of our accomplishments. I would like to thank Dr. Rivera for the valuable knowledge I have gained during the Fall intersession course. I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming spring semester!

Joanna's Farewell Post


Another semester in the books! We are another step closer to the goal. I have learned many new tools, websites, and knowledge from this semester. When you reach the point where you are tired and overwhelmed, think about your students in the future who now have a better chance in becoming successful all because their teacher had many strategies and knowledge in literacy/reading that could help them. 

 I wish everyone all the best and see you all once the Spring semester starts. We are halfway there. 

Meagan’s Farewell Post

Congratulations everyone! We did it! Another semester down and another semester to go! It has been great reading everyones post and interacting with you all. This course has been very informative and resourceful! See you all in the next course! 3 more semesters or 11 more months till graduation! Don't quit! Just Keep Moving Forward! 

Quindew - ILA #6




            As my blog must come to a short pause, it is only right to go out with a BANG! Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of Quindew. Usually, my reviews are focused on elementary leveled reading and writing programs or websites but this time it is not. Quindew is a reading online program that is geared towards middle school. Their pedagogy enhances a positive literacy culture and ignites the confidence in students’ abilities. Students are able to increase their confidence and skills in both reading and writing, the program is completely differentiated when it comes to instructions and receiving real life data. 

Let’s start with the experience. Students and teachers both start off with the same mission of having students become strong and skillful readers. As students’ progress, there are daily challenges that help you earn rewards whenever it is completed. Students begin by receiving daily cherry rewards the help pay for assistance when starting the assignment. Based on their level of reading, students get to engage in their own personal quests. Before reading, students can look through the text and find the definitions for any unknown word that they have. There is also audio support just in case students wants to hear it out loud. As an educator, I can see why this website for middle school is effective. There are
teacher-driven resources that students can follow and have opportunities for daily instruction. It is also very fast way to get results from your students and receive data for overall growth. I hope you give Quindew. 


Joanna Ponce's ILA Effective Literacy Website #6 - The Reading Bear


The Reading Bear

The sixth effective literacy website that I will be discussing is the Reading Bear ( site. This was one of the first few websites that I had listed on our Google Docs, but decided to discuss it towards the end. This website has a lot to offer its users. 

     When you first get into the website, you are greeted with a picture of a reading bear, which is very fitting for the name of the website. Then there are a few tabs to click on that include: home page, log in, about us, getting started, training videos, and log out. The home page also includes a list of ‘First Learn the Letter Sounds’ where if there is a specific letter sound that you are trying to focus on, you can easily access the available materials from there. 

     When you click on the desired letter sound, it will lead to the page where there are a variety of activities and materials to use. First, the options to sound out the letters slowly, then sounding it out quickly, audio flashcards, and progress to audio sentences and silent sentences. This is a great way to have the student(s) become familiar with the letters and the various short or long sounds of letters. There are short videos that help with pronunciation as well as images that correlate with the word(s) being read or shown. 

     There are also training videos that teachers and parents can access in order to be able to use the website more efficiently. The videos include the introduction to the Reading Bear website, how to add sub accounts, and how to review the quiz results. Being able to review the quiz results is very helpful in tracking how the student is progressing. 

     Overall, this is a great website for reading/literacy. It puts a lot of emphasis on going over the basics, down to the letter sounds. There are many videos, audio materials and just useful literacy materials in general.

Joanna Ponce's ILA Effective Literacy Website #5 - PhonicsandStuff



The fifth effective literacy website that I will be discussing is the website PhonicsandStuff. This website has a variety of useful literacy materials. Upon entering the website you will see the tabs for ‘games, read-alongs, decodable readers, teaching tools, articles, and a link to their TPT Store. When you click on the ‘games’ tab you will see a variety of phonics and reading games. These games include: sound blending, sound letter match, reading words, short vowels, spelling, abc order among others. These games can be a useful tool for students who might need assistance with the very basics of literacy but need a change of activity. This website will provide a good variety that continues the practice of literacy.

There are also decodable readers that can be accessed and used for the student to practice. It also shows which short vowels, consonants, word types, and tricky words. They can also be downloaded and printed which would also be helpful for extra practice when the student does not have access to the website. 

The website also has Read-Along Stories which are great to show your students or just for a student to access. They are able to listen to some books and can read-along. This is a wonderful part of the website that can help greatly with literacy. There are various Tools for Teaching Phonics that can be accessed from this website. These tools help with graphemes, phonemes, building word lists, creating decodable sentences, a phoneme reference guide, among others. Phonics Articles are available for users to access, these articles are useful especially for teachers who are working on the very basics of reading/literacy with their students. 

Overall, the website Phonics + Stuff provides its users a variety of materials that can be very useful for improving literacy for the child/student. There are activities for a student to do when they access the website, as well as materials that a teacher/parents can access to help their child progress and improve their literacy skills.

Laura's Farewell Reflection


We're Almost There!!!

I enjoyed learning with and from everyone. Although it felt super fast-paced and very time-consuming, it, we did it!!! Not only did we complete our next step in the program, we created a resource of probably hundreds of websites and tools that we could use in the classroom. The best thing about it is that all the reviews are written by teachers from the same region. It may have taken up a lot of our time, but it was all worth it because it is something that will continue to benefit our students for years to come.

Tammy's Farewell Post

As the great Martin Luther King Jr. stated, "If you can't fly, then run; if you can't run, then walk; if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."

We have successfully made it to the end of this course. If your journey has been similar to mine, we've faced many challenges. But with each great challenge came even greater successes. I am lucky to have many online resources reviewed and approved by some of Guam's best educators. May we never lose sight of our ultimate goal and purpose: to graduate in December 2024 and provide our students with the necessary tools for success, regardless of their abilities. Have a wonderful rest of your new year, and may you continue to move forward. 

Carl's Farewell Post

Hello everyone!

 It's been an amazing journey thus far and I am so proud of how far we have all have come. It definitely has not been easy, but we have all managed to push through and persevere! After this spring intercession officially marks our half way point in our masters journey! We are almost there!! Very excited to continue to learn and grow further with all of you on this road to masters of education in reading! Stay safe everyone and enjoy this 3 day weekend!

best regards,


Leif's Farewell to ED638-40


Farewell Message from Leif Andres:

Thank you to my professor and classmates for another fun and insightful course. It’s great that we were able to make it through this intercession course while still being able to enjoy the New Year and holidays. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again in the next course!

Farewell Message from Anthony please read

Anthony Ponce 

            Well all I have to say is "it's been a real one." Great discussion, meaningful learning, a lot of websites and awesome collaboration with colleagues. Looking forward to the next. Will relax and enjoy the 15 minute break and on to Spring Semester. Great job everyone. Esta! 

Farewell Blog

 Hafa Adai Dr. Rivera and classmates,

This ED638 course was a tough one due to the fast pace. Although it was more rigorous than the others, we are almost there! The resources, assignments, and tools we gathered and compiled will for sure place us ahead of those who were not aware that it exists. I am looking forward to the upcoming courses that will make us all one step closer to the final product, our Master's degree! Good luck everyone and I will see you all in the next semester.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Effective Literacy Webstie #6: Word Game Time


    Word Game Time ( is a free website that offers language arts games and homework help. Games are fun and have been approved by educators. The goal of Word Game Time is to help students succeed. The site offers content for kindergarten through 7th grade students in spelling, typing, reading, geography, and language arts.

         Word Game Time offers a user-friendly site with content organized by grade, subject, and content type. Content under language arts includes activities that help students with letter-sound recognition, parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, and other skills. Another interesting feature the website offers is educational videos. Videos are fun and engaging for all grade levels. Some videos are animated, and others offer instruction by a teacher.

         Word Game Time is very similar to websites like and But a feature that makes it unique is the variety of free worksheets for teachers, parents, and students to access. Although some sites offer worksheets, the ones on Word Game Time cover topics such as poetry, homophones, and dictionary practice.

         Word Game Time is a great online resource for teachers, parents, and students searching for more variety in online learning and practice. Variety sets this website aside from other online learning games and resources sites. Materials are easily organized and easy to find. It is a site that makes learning fun and engaging.

Effective Literacy Website #5: Choosito! by Tammy Leon Guerrero


     Choosito ( is a smart search engine powered by artificial intelligence that provides resources based on a student’s reading level. Choosito is supported by the National Science Foundation.

    On Choosito, teachers can set up accounts to allow students to search for material based on their reading level (early, emerging, fluent, and advanced readers) and specific subject areas. Users can then select where to search for resources – the Choosito Web, the Choosito library, the Choosito image database, public collections, or personal collections. Once the specifications are set, Choosito offers thousands of results for students and educators to access.

    An interesting and unique feature Choosito offers is the Choosito Highlighter Tool. This tool is a browser extension for Google Chrome that allows users to highlight and add notes to various websites. This feature allows users to take researching the web to a whole new level by making content personalized to a reader’s needs.

    Choosito is an excellent tool for students and teachers. The internet is filled with lots of content, and it can be difficult to ensure that what students search for is appropriate for their reading level and what they are looking for. Choosito eliminates the potential harms of the online world by providing material to children using artificial intelligence. Teachers and parents can be assured that their child is learning and reading at their level and that it is happening in a safe, online environment.

Ciera’s ILA Website Review #6


Roy the Zebra (  is a free resource that’s all about supporting emerging readers with their literacy skills, it’s used at schools and at home. This site is a great introduction to the kind of content you’ll find on their membership site Club Roy.

    Roy the Zebra is home to an engaging range of reading, spelling, and punctuation games, as well as an exciting guided reading story, lesson plans, printable resources and even songs - this website is completely free.

Roy is aimed at 5 to 7 year-olds. It’s often used as a tool to support readers who aren’t progressing as expected - giving these readers an interesting and different resource builds their reading and spelling confidence and helps to establish an early ‘love for reading’. If you like the content on this free site then consider becoming a member of Club Roy

Club Roy is Roy the Zebra’s membership site. It has 149 reading, spelling and punctuation games over 13 different topics and 16 game themes, Operation Rescue Lucy guided reading story plus more than 700 printable resources and is advert free. Club Roy aims to be an affordable resource to complement school reading systems and can be used at home as well.

Overall, Roy the Zebra is an excellent interactive site for emerging readers. The site consists mainly of a guided story section and interactive reading games section. The guided stories have pre and post-reading discussion sheets as well as related literacy worksheets. The interactive games section includes games on word level and sentence level to enhance skills such as phonics, rhyming words, alphabetical ordering, punctuation and comprehension etc. There is also a paid option in which you can install the reading software along with hundreds of printable resources like worksheets, flashcards, wall displays etc. 

Free Children Stories by Leif Andres

 The sixth and final site I chose to review for my ILA Newsletter is Free Children Stories, I chose this site because it is a e-library with a large collection of stories to choose from.  

One of the great things about this website is that it is completely free. Students and users are able to peruse through all the books without having to pay a subscription fee or any other kind of fee. The website is also incredibly user-friendly. There are only a few tabs at the top and users can scroll down to view other resources and interesting books.

Another strength that this website has is the filters it provides for sifting through its large selection of books. There are filters that filter books relative to the users age so this makes finding appropriate books for students very efficient. There are also fun filters like rhyming stories and non-rhyming stories if there are certain activities that a teacher is planning for his or her class.

As a reading resource, I believe this website is a valuable one because it has an updated list of fan favorite stories of the week and a list of the most popular books in the library. Another really amazing function this site provides is a list of languages that the stories could be translated in for audio use. I believe this function would be so valuable especially when teaching English Language Learner students who are not comfortable reading in English yet. This allows students to view the story in English while listening to it in their home country’s language. Finally, there is also a YouTube playlist of their books so students that are still learning fluency, can have the stories modeled and read for them.

Overall, I believe that Free Children Stories would be a useful reading resource due to its large library

and ease of use. The different audio translations are also an amazing tool for teachers with many ELL

students that need extra guidance.  

Free Rice by Leif Andres

 The fifth site I chose to review for my ILA Newsletter is Free Rice, This wonderful site drew me in with their promise of providing food for the people and children in need around the world.  

This website is completely free and has a wonderful idea behind it. Their promise to their users is that for every correct answer submitted, the UN World Food Progamme will give 10 grains of rice to those in need. The game is an vocabulary game where students will chose the correct meaning for each given word. This is great as a reading resource because the stronger a student’s vocabulary skills are, the stronger a student’s reading ability will be.

I have used and found the vocabulary words in the game more suitable for fourth and fifth graders, but younger grade levels may use it too due to the functions that the site provides. I appreciated that one of the functions was that if a user gets an answer wrong, a motivational banner and the correct answer will be given so that users may learn from their mistakes and become motivated to do better. Another great function of the game is that users are able to see how many grains of rice were donated the previous day. This will help students realize just how much rice they are helping the UN World Food Programme provide to all those people in need.

Some other great resources this site provides are: a blog page were students are able to see projects and aid that’s being provided around the world to help the world become a more sustainable place, a downloadable toolkit that will explain to students how to join the Free Rice community, a downloadable certificate of participation to help students feel more engaged in the game activity, and a downloadable A-Z Ebook that will describe the meanings of the related vocabulary pertaining to the Free Rice community and program.

Overall, I believe that the Free Rice website will be an engaging reading resource for students of all

ages due to the idea behind it. Students can take ownership of their participation and responsibility to

help the world become a better place. The best part is that teachers may integrate standards related to

good moral character and being a helpful member of their community. 

Dogo News by Leif Andres

           The fourth site I chose to review for my ILA Newsletter is Dogo News, This is a wonderful site that focuses on giving kids and students current events and news in a friendly format.  

This website is completely free and requires no premium fees or subscription fees at all. The very first strength of this site I noticed is how simple it is to navigate around. The website makes it very easy and even kid-friendly to use and access its many functions and resources. It also does a great job of having many different tabs and content areas, while also making sure to stay streamlined and organized.

The amount of different current events on this site is sizeable so the filters and tabs they provide works very well when one wants to find a specific content area. There are multiple filters including sorting by content (Science, Social Studies, Civics, World Environment, Fun, Sports), word count, and type (video, articles, books).

            Now reviewing this site specifically on being related to reading content. I believe this site will be a great resource for providing reading activities, projects, and lessons.    The first reason is because students will be able to strengthen their reading ability by perusing through the current event articles on the site. This is great because not only are students receiving reading practice, they are also receiving socials studies and science content as well.

Another reason that this site would be great for reading content is because Dogo News has a section called Dogo Books. Dogo Books is basically a section where other young adults and kids give reviews on popular books. Each popular book review also has a link to where one could find the specific book to purchase or view. This section is also very well organized by using filters like genres, reading levels, and series. There is even a book club, quizzes on the books, and freebies.

            Overall, Dogo News has so much content that is related to reading and social studies. This

aspect makes it easy for teachers to teach reading while integrating science or social studies. I

recommend this site for its ease of use, large amount of resources, and kid-run book review section.

Super Teacher Worksheets by Leif Andres

          The third site I chose to review for my ILA Newsletter is Super Teacher Worksheets, Although this site focuses on many subjects and content areas, the reading and phonics areas have so much resources that I believe this site could serve as a great resource to many others as well.

First thing first is the fee. Unfortunately, Super Teacher is not free and contains a yearly subscription fee of $24.95. I usually would not spend this much for access to a single site, but Super Teacher has enough content that helps validate that fee personally. Once paid, a user can stop his subscription fee without any additional payments to check whether he or she would like to continue using this site in the future.

The first strength I believe this site has is the sheer amount of worksheets, games, and other resources for many different content areas. This review specifically covers the reading, phonics, and comprehension areas. On the other hand, the other subject areas are also sufficiently covered and may surprise other users as well.

Specifically reviewing reading and related content, I believe Super Teacher has a great amount of resources that could even amount to multiple websites put together. There are multiple tabs for many short reading stories that are also paired with reading worksheets and activities. The great thing is that there are different tabs that specify which grade level the stories would be appropriate for. The worksheets and activities are also of a great variety from multiple choice and short answer to self-reflection questions and journal topics.

            Super Teacher also has a satisfying amount of phonics, early literacy, and letter content. The large amount of resources consists of worksheets, games, projects, arts and crafts, and much more. The games are also really helpful because they include instructions and printables on how to play them. They can range from letter bingo, I have this sight word who has this sight word, matching cards, and much more.

            Overall, Super Teacher has been personally worth the subscription fee year after year due to the massive amount of resources it provides. The best characteristic is that although it is a great resource for reading and writing, it also serves as a great resource for many other subjects as well.

Ed San Nic's Technology Picks: Effective Literacy Website #6: Readingiq.
The website in review is readingiq( This website is not a free resource. You have an option to pay a yearly or monthly fee. They do offer a 30 day free trial version ,which is what I opted for, to write this review. This website is geared to children ages 2-12 that are homeschooled. This is also a website that is more for parents to use in the house than for educators in the classroom. It is similar to epic books in that it has many books to choose from.

With all the numerous books available, readingiq allows the user to narrow the down in the following ways: grade level, accelerated reading, guided reading, and Lexile. This allows for flexibility because not everyone uses the same tools to determine reading levels. 

The picture below shows the My Shelf screen. This is where the reader's favorite books, minutes read, and progress is monitored. There are no assessments associated with any of the books. This would be an excellent site for pleasure reading. 

The website is user friendly, easy to navigate, and contains numerous books that are age appropriate. With the version I reviewed, you could add up to three users on one account. I see this as an ideal tool for supplemental reading at home. The selection of books is commendable. My advice is to take advantage of the free trial. If you like what you see, then perhaps an investment in this program is in your future. 

Anthony Ponce's Effective Literacy Website # 6 Discovery Education


              Discovery Education  is an online website which offers information on technology and in the science fields. This website also makes for great literacy resources as it offers a curriculum that incorporates the STEM contents in an interactive experience that students online will read. In addition to it being a great literacy website, we have to also remember that students not only read through text, they also read and communicate through coding. This website offers practice on coding which is in itself a way to communicate and read through the web. Students who are interested in coding, this would be a great website for them. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Teresa D: Farewell Blog

 Hello everyone,

Seeing our progress in taking this course, ED 698, is amazing. I learned a lot about incorporating technology into the classroom. Blogging itself is a learning experience for me. I am thrilled to see everyone’s work being informative and creative in sharing their reviews and ideas. Using internet tools can also be a game changer for me. I must incorporate it and apply it to my teaching.

I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities that technology has to offer. This will help me improve my teaching and make it more effective. For instance, I can use Google Earth and other platforms to create a virtual classroom environment that encourages students to work together, learn from each other, and participate actively.

Despite the setbacks I experienced, I managed to strive harder and do the best I could in this course. This experience has taught me the importance of resilience and determination.  I am now more motivated to continue learning and growing as a teacher. I look forward to applying what I have learned in my future classes.

I wish you all the best for the upcoming semester. Remember, with a positive attitude, we can achieve anything.

Best regards,

Teresa D: Effective Literacy Website #6


Readers Eggs ( has many fun, interactive lessons, tasks, and games for kids. The website has fun animations and interactive parts that make learning to read fun. It also provides rewards for completing tasks and games that motivate kids. Teachers and parents can also monitor their children's progress using Reading Eggs. Homeschool students can benefit from this platform since it offers many educational literacy skills to enhance learning. It's an excellent supplemental resource for anyone to take advantage of.

It also provides differentiated instruction to meet the learning needs of each child, providing individualized content based on progress. It encourages children to explore different concepts and topics and helps them develop problem-solving skills. It also provides feedback and guidance on how to improve. I’m sure students will enjoy this platform due to its user-friendly and engaging games.

Moreover, it offers a 30-day free trial. It’s worth checking out this website. It’s animated, interactive, and visually appealing. I’m eager to sign up to take advantage of the free features. In the event that I am fully satisfied with the offer, I may consider paying a monthly subscription to help my students improve their literacy skills. It seems reasonably priced, too. 

Interestingly, I had to input my credit card information to sign up. I am skeptical about providing credit card information for security reasons.

Joanna Ponce's ILA Effective Literacy Website #4 - Unite for Literacy

Unite for Literacy  

      The next website that I think is a great literacy website is Unite for Literacy ( This website is very simple and goes straight into the books. There is no need to create an account or the need to log in to access the materials. The website has many, many books to choose from. The levels of the books vary, so there will be books available for a variety of leveled readers. There is also an option for the text to be read aloud. This is a good option to have especially for those who are interested in the book but could be struggling with their literacy. There is also an option to read “About the Book”, when you click on this, it will take you to where the images from the book are from and a variety of sources that pertain to the book that you are about to read or have already read. The navigation of the site is very easy. You can search for a specific topic or browse the various categories of books the website has. This is a great website for literacy. 

A little bit of a background about this literacy website, their main goal is to allow for more children to have access to many books that help to celebrate their languages and their varying cultures. They hope by doing this, they are allowing the children to have a ‘lifelong love of reading.’

The online library that the website has includes about 400 original picture books, with many also written in Spanish and audio narrations in about more than 40 different languages. This is a great feature especially for students who speak other languages and are interested in reading these varieties of books. 

After exploring the various categories of books, I stumbled upon a book with the title having to do with living on an island, and as soon as it turned to the first page, Guam was mentioned in the story. I happen to think it is a great literacy win for our students, locally, because they are able to see the island they live on, included in a story is always nice. Although the pictures they used, in my opinion, were not taken on Guam, it was still a nice short story to read. 

Overall, this is a great literacy website for when you want your students to do some reading for fun, where they do not need to remember to log in with a username and password. The students can easily go to the website and choose a book they are interested in reading. 

Ciera’s Farewell

Just like that fall intersession is over and spring semester is approaching. I had a great time reading through everyone’s literacy reviews....